Several decades ago, no one had even thought to offer lady car insurance as an option. Today it is as common place as car insurance for men. Back in the dark ages, women who drove cars were considered fast and loose and unladylike. Those were also the times that we were expected stay home and let the men conquer the world. If you fast forward to present day you find an era when car manufactures actually cater to the preferences of women when developing the newest cars, adding safety features and elements of convenience. They target women with their advertising campaigns hoping to increase that share of the market. With women driving here, there and everywhere, the car insurance industry has had to keep up the growing demand for lady car insurance. Because women drivers are so desirable as customers, most of the existing auto insurance providers offer the sweetest deals available hoping to win their allegiance. Taking the time to research the rapidly expanding market will p rovide you with a positive experience that will save you money. You will never get a man to admit a woman is a better driver than he is, and comedians for years have been enforcing that misguided belief. If you were to put the driving skills of both sexes under the microscope, there would probably be a tie, leaving no clear winner. It's isn't that women are more skilled, they are just much more responsible on the road. Being a courteous and defensive driver seems to come naturally to women who more often than not are carrying precious cargo. Check this out anywhere and you will find studies and statistics confirming ladies atomically think safety first. It is this attitude that makes women so popular with the auto insurance providers, prompting them to sweetening the pot when offering you lady car insurance. The agencies would rather carry a policy for customers who never have accidents or file a claim. Bad drivers cost them more money that they are worth, while good drivers are a good bet for them.Right from the beginning when girls go through the drivers' education classes and take their initial driving test, most of them pass with flying colors on the first try. Boys are notorious for failing once or twice. My theory is that boys are conditioned to forge ahead taking risks and to take on new challenges with a confident aggressive vengeance. Getting your driver's license may be considered to be a 'rite" of passage, but it isn't your "right." A license to drive is a privilege, one that is earned by proving you are ready to obey the rules of the road. While boys seem to believe they were born knowing how to drive, girls take this new experience serious. Because they have taken the time to become good drivers, showing that they understand and accept the responsibility that comes along with this new experience, chances are that during their lifetime as a driver they are going to have approximately 80% less driving convictions and 85% less citatio ns for careless driving than their male counterparts. Ladies have a significant lower number of accidents and when they do occur, the majority of them file far smaller claims for minor damages. It's the men who rack up the billions in claims for the severely damaged or totaled vehicles. These statistics above all others are the reason ladies are the customers that the insurance providers want, and they go out of their way to make their lady car insurance an offer we can't refuse.It's because of the highly develop skills women have, when it comes to finding the best deal or while saving money in the process that we are not that easy to please. Taking this fact into consideration the insurance agencies have developed a good combination of special discounts and bonuses to win our patronage and loyalty. What woman doesn't pass on a good deal to a friend, making that satisfied customer, a good source of referrals? Word of mouth is the best form of advertising a company can hope f or, and we know how girls like to talk Little humor..(I can say it because I'm living proof of that). Bargains and package deals are to women shoppers like catnip is to cats. They are naturally drawn to them.Just being given the option of purchasing their lady car insurance at a discount, makes women happy. Finding out there are even more savings to be had by bundling all their types of insurance together under the protection of just one company is a double plus. There's the convenience of only having one company to work with and the savings are starting to add up.Some women would be perfectly satisfied with saving money and the one stop simplicity that just having one insurance provider to work with would be enough to sell them on a new policy, but due to the fierce competition between the companies, more features are being added. If a potential insurance company offered you "handbag" insurance, "overnight accommodation" coverage, "emergency roadside service and medical ass istance" for only pennies a day, how could you resist? If you answered "I don't know", maybe once I tell you what these added extras are about, you'll understand just how special they think you would be as a customer and to what lengths they are willing to go developing lady car insurance to win your business. Handbag insurance reimburses you for the actual purse and all of its contents if it's stolen from your car. If you've broken down away from home and need to find a room until the car can be repaired, the overnight accommodation coverage pays for you stay. Emergency Roadside and medical assistance covers just about anything else that can go wrong when you are on the road.You are ready to go shopping from the comfort of your own home. You don't even have to find another website to prepare you for your search for lady car insurance. All you need to know is included here. If you still have questions regarding this, read on, chances are the answer to your next question is f eatured in one or the articles and posts listed here. You are as ready to do your online comparison shopping like a pro. You go girl! Go and get as many quotes as you want and compare their all of their offers. If you don't quite understand something, then make a call and their agent will be more than happy to talk to you. If you can't make that crucial final decision on your own, make use of the many forums where people discuss everything good or bad about their experiences with their company. Personally, before I would sign my life away, I would have a telephone conversation with my new representative confirming that we are both on the same page and that I understand completely exactly what I will be covered for and what won't be. Any smart shopper will tell you, no matter how gorgeous the shoes are, it they don't fit, there is no sense in buy them and they'll have to walk away.
lady car insurance very well could be the answer to all your low-cost insurance needs, but understand this ladies; Just being born female does not automatically entitle you to low cost coverage. All the estrogen in the world won't get you a good price if your driving record sucks. If you know you're going to be more a liability than an asset to an insurance provider, it's not too late to change your driving habits and clean up your mess so in the future you can qualify for all that special treatment.
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