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Koh Samui is the third largest island in Thailand and is famous as island of coconut trees. With its scenario beauty and popular beaches like Lamai, Chaweng, Big Buddha, Bophut and many others, it attracts tourists. Samui accommodation provides you very luxurious hotels, beach bungalows, resorts and spas for those who give comfort more preference to cost. You can even book them at much cheaper rates online if you are making a plan for a holiday trip.The holiday rental accommodation at Samui is quite affordable and one can discover the nightlife, delicious seafood and places of interest with a long and comfortable vacation. The Samui accommodation available at the beaches give you the chance to experience water sports, surfing and massaging to keep yourself relaxed. The Chaweng beach has the most happening nightlife, and for surfing one should head towards the Lamai beach which has deep waters, and if one wants to spend time all alone then should head towards Taling Ngam Ba y. The holiday rental accommodation at these places depends on the hotels, villas and resorts one chooses to stay at.

The travelers have been impressed with Samuis accommodation arrangements which are excellent. It has luxurious hotels, budget hotels and business hotels as well. It is becoming a popular holiday destination for western tourists who want to visit this island again and again. The restaurants, bars and amazing nightlife are very much liked by visitors. Then there are special attractions such as Full Moon Party which takes place in Haad Rin.

One can even get long term holiday rental accommodations at Koh Samui which may fit their budget. There are real estates available even for sale and rent. It is worth investing in properties at Samui because of its popularity, natural beauty and luxurious living style of the people out there.

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Hotel accommodations have been in existence from historical times and the first mention of it comes in the Bible when Mary and Joseph arrived in Bethlehem during the census. According to the holy book of Christians, Mary and Joseph were refused accommodations as there was no room at the inn - the fact shows that those days inns were popular a lot. Inn in those days served the purpose of accommodation for travelers and were considered 'home away from home.India too has its own history of hotel accommodation. During medieval period, there were thousands of 'Sarai,' which were the Indian version of inns. Hotels are known for offering paid lodging on a short-term basis; however, there are some hotels these days which provide residencies or long term residences to people who have long stay for their missions. Depending upon the term of staying, rents too are defined and discounts are given for long stay. Although, hotel accommodation in real terms should mean services such as b ed and a room and bathroom, modern hotels provide a comprehensive range of luxury facilities and amenities to residents. Now, rooms with modern facilities, including en-suite bathrooms and air conditioning or climate control are preferred than rooms with basic facilities. It is also true that hotels offering additional services in hotel room charge for all and there is no free or gift service to hotel inmates.Facilities which once were considered luxury including of telephone, alarm clock, television, Internet connectivity; snack foods and drinks, etc. are included even in budget hotels. Luxury hotels take extra care of inmates and offer mini-bar, hot drinks maker, etc. to hotel residents. Each service has its cost and services such as restaurant, swimming pool, childcare, conference and social function services, etc. come with heavy charges. Depending upon the plan chosen by travelers, hotels offer meals as part of a room and board arrangement. Moreover, offering of food is country specific as in the UK; a hotel is required by law to serve food and drinks to all guests within certain stated hours. Similarly, the size of hotels matter a lot and countries which have lots of territory and do not face crunch of land provide large rooms. Then there are countries which have paucity of land and such countries offer capsule hotel rooms and shared accommodation.Understandably, it is price, services, and amenities which determine the classification of hotel accommodation. However, location also matters a lot when deciding whether certain hotel belongs to certain category. The most popular among the masses of the world are budget hotels which offer clean albeit simple rooms that provide the basics of places to sleep and shower. These hotels are designed specifically to travelers with shoe string budget. Travelers who prefer rooms equipped with high speed Internet connections, alarm clocks, comfortable beds, irons and ironing boards, coffee makers, compli mentary newspaper delivery and hairdryers, etc. can stay in business hotels. These hotels charge extra for the facilities being offered to travelers and more often than not are preferred by upper rich class people such as businessmen, CEOs, sport persons, actors, celebrities, etc. Equally attractive are luxury hotels which posses lavish decor and extraordinary services and try to pamper and impress guests. Moreover, full-service day spas, five-star restaurants staffed by world-class chefs, ballrooms, lavish pools, golf packages and guest services, etc. are some key features of luxury class hotel accommodation. Luxury class hotels rooms provide in-room safes, goose down comforters and pillows, marble showers and tubs, larger rooms, separate sitting or living area and fog-free bathroom mirrors, etc. to travelers.

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在潔淨明亮的大眾池裡,有冷、溫、熱等三種不同溫度的池子,除此之外,還有烤箱、蒸氣室等設施;為了提供愛美女性一個美容養生的場所,在女大眾池裡還有一 個美膚SPA區,讓您可以享受一個從上到下、從裡到外的SPA按摩,不過這一區可是要另行收費的。在大眾池的另外一樓還有一個SPA溫泉池,各式各樣的 SPA沖擊設備,讓您可以一邊飽覽烏來的湖光山色,一邊享受水柱的拍打按摩,半露天式的溫泉SPA區,絕對能夠讓您有個美妙的溫泉之旅。



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春秋烏來 一個離都市最近的世外桃源。饒富亞熱帶島嶼意趣的飯店,在館內可見到池水緩緩溢流至碧綠的湖中並與南勢溪連成一氣,提供您精緻悠閒且不受干擾的渡假環境。緊臨河岸的溫泉空間,包括極具巧思的景觀湯屋與百餘坪的室內與戶外大浴場。在一個最貼近自然的SPA個人專屬芳療空間裡,更能享受到專業貼心的芳香療程服務。春秋烏來—身心靈全然舒展的天然饗宴,造訪一回,豐收一回。



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位於北斗交流道旁的好來屋汽車旅館。一直以來,好來屋都是以鬧中取靜的特殊環境,輕鬆隔絕窗外的車水馬龍,立城市而不喧囂,贏得消費者的喜愛。四柱床、按摩椅、大理石浴缸、DVD player、植栽造景....,完全是帝王般的度假勝地,感受舒適自在的住房禮遇。好來屋客房的巧思設計,在素淨簡潔中顯露雍容華貴的氣質,精緻體貼的服務,搭配豪華的空間設施,輕鬆享受快意生活,是度假旅遊的最佳選擇。



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高雄市九福大飯店,為提升該商圈旅館國際化及表現企業家之風範與理想,耗資數億聘請留美設計師,創造高雅歐式造型之氣氛,獨具安全管理規劃之大手筆,特別是建築物防火避難設施與消防安全設備,均合乎國家安全檢驗標準。 飯店員工夥伴們均受過防護團嚴格訓練,飯店門前民主路均有本店規劃的臨時方便性停車位,以及自購平面停車場近百坪,另有地下一F、二F近三百坪免費停車場,警衛員二十四小時在場指揮交通,維護停車安全。 我們的飯店位於民主路十六號,緊鄰六合路觀光繁榮夜市,徒步一分鐘即可到達;從飯店到火車站或美麗島捷運站,徒步只需五分鐘就可到達;地點適中,鬧中取靜,是洽商招待貴賓最佳選擇,並稟承『九福用心,深得您心』的信念,讓貴賓投宿有一幅嶄新的感覺,清靜舒適安全之商務觀光旅館。



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9 PLUS 荷豐溫泉會館-雅軒湯屋貴賓券




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「墾丁通海渡假旅館」座落於風景秀麗的墾丁國家公園大灣海濱住宿區,位於熱鬧的墾丁市街中心,購物、用餐、逛街皆方便,且鬧中取靜,全棟房間皆有邊窗,面海景觀,採光好、通風好、視野佳、清靜優雅。採飯店式管理,24小時全天候櫃檯服務、沒有門禁、進出方便、自由自在。盡情享受渡假的悠閒。有全新各式套房,設備完善,消防安檢合格,採用耐燃防火建材、防陷物品,讓您住的安心;採用中央控溫熱水系統,全天候有熱水使用,安全又方便;採用獨立式 冷氣空調,隨意控溫。



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綠中海旅遊|高雄|旅遊 比價|埃及旅遊團|國內旅遊網

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亞洲最高的溫泉~身心靈洗滌~在綠楊景觀山莊的觀景台,眺望對面群山,更是全清境視野最遼闊無遮礙的最佳賞景地點。在晴朗的天氣裏,瞭望群山,可以180度眺覽層巒疊翠。 尤其,當氣象報告花東地區陰天的時侯,更要來清境綠楊,看對面群山雲瀑降下,氣勢磅礡;而雨後的山區一道360度彩虹亮麗打扮登場,是最嬌媚的表演。看朝陽升起、看瑞氣千條、群山壯闊,最自然最偉大的美景,每一時刻,在綠楊山莊的天幕、山幕裏變化上演。



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